Why should I join a Lions Club in my area?
Lions Clubs International is the largest service organization in the world. Our District 20E2 encompasses the beautiful Finger Lakes region of New York State. From Sodus and Wolcott on the edge of Lake Ontario to Apalachin and Corning on the Pennsylvania border, Lions are there to help their neighbors in need. From feeding the hungry and responding to national disasters, to free children's vision screenings, a Lions Club in your area could use your expertise and passion to serve.
We would love to have you visit one of our clubs to see what we are all about. You will find great satisfaction in knowing that you are helping your neighbors.
Of the eleven different districts that New York State comprises, our area has, arguably, some of the most wonderfully diverse communities of New York State. We're proud of where we live, and the people who reside in Finger Lakes Lions District.
Our District encompasses the 11 counties of the Finger Lakes Region of New York State from Lake Ontario to the Pennsylvania border.
With that comes a lot of opportunities to help because your local community needs you! You can do it simply by joining any one of our clubs throughout our District. If you don't know where to start, just click here and we'll connect you to a representative from the nearest club.
Join us today!
The Bloomfield Lions Club cleans portions of Routes 5 & 20 and Route 444 twice a year.
Keeping our communities cleaner and protecting our environment is important to Lions across the world.
The wall mural on the Palace Theater was badly weathered and in need of repair. The Wolcott Lions Club worked with Mural Mania to overhaul the painting.
The panting was returned to its glory on September 15th! A dedication ceremony was held on October 14th.
Congratulations Keira Burton!
2023 Graduating senior at Trumansburg Central School District was the recipient of the Trumansburg Lions Scholarship!
Best of Luck in your future adventures.
Canandaigua Lions prepared a BBQ meal for Veterans at the Blue Star Mothers Canteen in Canandaigua and supported by The Mothers.
Left to right are Canandaigua Lions President Sam Potter, project managers Marie and Richard Vara and treasurer Geoff Hallstead.
Lions Clubs across New York State & Bermuda do many things.
Click on the images below to learn more
about the 5 major causes that we focus
on in the Finger Lakes.
The International Association of Lions Clubs began as the dream of Chicago businessman Melvin Jones. He believed that local business clubs should expand their horizons from purely professional concerns to the betterment of their communities and the world at large.
Jones' own group, the Business Circle of Chicago, agreed. After contacting similar groups around the country, an organizational meeting was held on June 7, 1917, at the LaSalle Hotel in Chicago. The new group took the name of one of the groups invited, the "Association of Lions Clubs," and a national convention was held in Dallas in October of that year. A constitution, by-laws, objects and code of ethics were approved. Among the official objects adopted in those early years was one which read, "No club shall hold out the financial betterment of its members as its object." This object has remained one of the association's main tenets ever since.
Just three years after its formation, the organization became international when the first club in Canada was established in 1920. Major international expansion continued as clubs were established, particularly throughout Europe, Asia and Africa during the 1950s and 60s.
Why Lions are "Knights of the Blind"? - Perhaps the single event having the greatest impact on the association's service commitment occurred in 1925 when Helen Keller addressed the Lions at their international convention in Cedar Point, Ohio USA. It was there that she challenged Lions to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness."
In 1990 Lions launched their most aggressive sight preservation effort to date; SightFirst. The more than US$130 million-plus program strives to rid the world of preventable and reversible blindness by closing the gap between existing healthcare services and those that remain desperately needed.
Broadening its role in international understanding, the association helped the United Nations form the
Non-Governmental Organizations sections in 1945, and continues to hold consultative status today. Each year, during The Lions Day With The United Nations ceremonies, an award is presented to the grand prize winner of the Lions International Peace Poster Contest.
Since those first years, the association has grown to include 1.4 million men and women in more than 44,000 clubs located in approximately 185 countries and geographical areas.
They are volunteer members of clubs grouped under an International organization, where they enjoy fellowship, and dedicate part of their free time to help those in need all over the world, while making their individual communities a better place to live in. In 1990 Lions launched their most aggressive sight preservation effort to date; SightFirst. The more than US$130 million-plus program strives to rid the world of preventable and reversible blindness by closing the gap between existing healthcare services and those that remain desperately needed.
Broadening its role in international understanding, the association helped the United Nations form the Non-Governmental Organizations sections in 1945, and continues to hold consultative status today. Each year, during The Lions Day With The United Nations ceremonies, an award is presented to the grand prize winner of the Lions International Peace Poster Contest.
Since those first years, the association has grown to include 1.4 million men and women in more than 44,000 clubs located in approximately 185 countries and geographical areas.
They are volunteer members of clubs grouped under an International organization, where they enjoy fellowship, and dedicate part of their free time to help those in need all over the world, while making their individual communities a better place to live in.
A Message from PIP Dr. Patti Hill
Global change comes from local efforts.
When we invite new members to our clubs and build new vibrant clubs, it does more than make our communities stronger. It makes the world a kinder, healthier and better place to live.
Learn more about Mission 1.5 by watching the message from Dr. Patti Hill Past International President
* Empire State Special Needs Experience - Lions Camp Badger
* New York State and Bermuda Lions Foundation
* Lions SEE Program - free vision screening for children.
* MD20 Lions Quest web site
* Brandel-Murphy Foundation
* The Lions Eye Bank for Long Island
* MD20 Lions World Trade Center Relief Activities
* Lions Club Website Links
* Lions Kidsight USA
* Health Resources For Lions & Communities
* Lions Clubs International
* Create a FREE Website for your club
* Club Website FAQ
* Club Resource page
* Important Tax Information
* Club Insurance
* Lions Club Digital Supply Catalogue
* Peace Poster Contest
* Helen Keller Speech to the Lions
* Lions Program Sites in USA
* Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF)
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